At this point I believe it is appropriate to talk about our most Holy Instrument. Our Sacred Pipe....or Canunpa(cha-nun-pa) To be very blunt, to us the Pipe is as Jesus Christ to a christian. It is the most Holy of Holies. It is our direct connection to Wakan Tanka....The Great Mystery....The Creator of all things. It is truly wakan.
The Pipe is at the center of all things ceremonial as was taught to the people by the White Buffalo Calf Pipe Woman, many, many winters before the horse came to the Lakotah. It is the center of our spiritual lives. Every ceremony or gathering is centered around the Pipe and the teachings that accompany it.
It is not everyone that carries a canunpa. It is an obligation to which you are called,and not an easy one to carry out. As a Pipe Carrier, a higher level of conduct is expected of such a one. A Pipe Carrier must be a strong heart, and a man/woman of the people. Acting for the best interest of the people or community. A person of respect who can be counted on to do whatever is required in furthering the peoples well being.
We must be very careful in the handling of our canunpa,as well as its storage. We must never take up our Pipe with a bad heart. Being angry, jealous or with malicious thoughts. We must be clean in body, heart and mind . The Canunpa is also not for show or display, so as to say "look at me, Im a Pipe Carrier. The Pipe gives to us, yes, but we also must give to it. We give the Pipe honor and respect....using it in a good and holy manner and it gives us the comfort of knowing it is there for us in times of need. It will protect us as it protects itself from misuse. Have pity on the one who misuses the Pipe for it will turn on you and all those nearest to you as sure as the sun will rise in the morning. I know of such a one who has chosen to corrupt the use of the pipe for his own benefit,to make him look like a bigshot, the center of attention....and friends....his life is miserable. Oh, not for him, but the people around him all suffer illnesses of one sort or another....always sick and ailing. Thats how it works. You misuse the Sacred Canunpa and you get to see all the ones dearest to you suffer....and if in the end, you still dont get it....well, then its your turn. The Pipe will not be abused. It will protect itself....always.
When we pray, we pray with the Pipe in our hands....loaded. We load the pipe in a prayerful, solemn way by honoring the six directions. By doing this....everything in creation is included in the pipe. We then offer our prayers or have our ceremony and afterward or at some predetermined point during the ceremony, we light and smoke the pipe. By doing this....we release the prayers that are now in the pipe and we also make our breath....our prayers visible to Wakan Tanka,our mother the Earth and the four cardinal directions and the spirits who dwell there. The smoking actually sends up the prayers and needs to be heard and fulfilled. If we are acting alone we smoke the pipe till it is empty or in a group we will send it around the circle. It is right to allow all in attendance to have a chance to pray with the pipe. This is the way of it....the way I was taught.
Friday, February 15, 2008
Canunpa....Our Sacred Pipe
Posted by
Goose Creek Indian Reserve
9:01 PM
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- Georgetown, Delaware, United States
- This is a place where good , likeminded people gather so as to carry on in the traditions of our ancestors. To keep the old ways and customs alive....both social and spiritual. We gather regularly for ceremony, feasting and learning. I hope someday you'll join us. Mitakuye Oyasin.