Wednesday, November 21, 2007


This is it....the very first entry on this blogsite. As you can tell from the title , we are a group of American Indians of assorted nations and lineages (even some non indians) and we get together regularly so we can keep the old traditions alive and going strong. We hold regular sweatlodges for men and women seperately or family lodges where we will all go in together. Some are healing lodges were certain specific protocol will be observed and yet others will be of a teaching nature. Thats important as we all need to continue to learn as we walk this ath together.
I hope to keep this blog going and maybe spread some of the good word about traditional spirituality and social customs. I further hope that you will come back and be regular visitors to these postings. If you like what you see here then please ....spread the good word and we will keep growing. Pilamayaye (thank you).
Mitakuye Oya'sin(we are all related)

1 comment:

warriorwoman said...

Lela was'te.... finally another good idea comes to Indian country from within. A heartfelt post by the author. This is just what we need.... Keep it coming.

Moon Phases....



About Us....

Georgetown, Delaware, United States
This is a place where good , likeminded people gather so as to carry on in the traditions of our ancestors. To keep the old ways and customs alive....both social and spiritual. We gather regularly for ceremony, feasting and learning. I hope someday you'll join us. Mitakuye Oyasin.
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